Saturday, June 23, 2012

Project 3 - first step

this is first two concept roof shape of my idea. thus the site is surrounded by heaps of buildings which are most over 10meters and the site tile to west on truth north.

what  I have learned from

project 3 - poster requirements

1: at least in A1 size poster
2:your concept and your theme organized in graphic ways, don't have too much text, explain in drawings
3: describe the site, come with graphs or pictures, the relationship with neighbors
4: long section drawings showing details of the street , be careful with the line weight
5: a special view of your model, like a rendering picture, point out your theme
6: talk about what made out the building , could be about materials

Project 3 - understand and highlight of the outline

three theme:
1: through changing the transparency degree of glass to provide public and private space for building
2: creat different level height to seperte space instead of using solid wall.
3: soft curve using in the building will soften people's visual view.

project3 - first concept model

project 3 final poster